Why a new offer?

Since 2003, the Crédit Agricole group has associated all employees with its development over the long term by means of a shareholding offer. The employee share in the equity of Crédit Agricole S.A. stood at 6,5% as of the end of December 2023, compared with 6% at the close of 2022. Once again, this year an offer is being made under the ACR 2024. The employee shareholder programme is part of a group strategy with the following objectives:

The employee shareholder programme is part of a group strategy with the following objectives:

  • Associate staff members with the Group’s performance by allowing them to benefit over the long term from the value created;
  • Strengthen their commitment in order to promote development and our common strategy.

To participate, click on “Subscribe” from 27 June to 10 July, inclusive.